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Youth Resources in Canada

Learn about the resources available across Canada for youth and young adults in and from the child welfare system.


Need help now? You can reach a professional counselor at Kids Help Phone 24/7 by calling
1-800-668-6868 or Text CONNECT to 686868 to chat with a volunteer Crisis Responder 24/7. 


A Way Home Canada

A Way Home is a national coalition. We are dedicated to preventing, reducing and ending youth homelessness in Canada


Youth In Care Canada

Youth in Care Canada exists to voice the opinions and concerns of youth in and from care. Our vision is that all young people in and from care across Canada receive standardized, high quality care that meets their diverse needs.

Toll-free: 1-800-790-7074

Tel: (613) 327-4317



Child Welfare League of Canada

CWLC aspires for all children to thrive, to know that they are loved, and to have a sense of belonging.


Child Welfare Political Action Committee Canada

The Child Welfare PAC advocates for a progressive child welfare system by providing real-life expertise, informed research, and effective advocacy so that all youth can realize their success.


Homeless Hub

The Homeless Hub is a web-based research library and information centre representing an innovative step forward in the use of technology to enhance knowledge mobilization and networking.


USA Resources

Aged Out Online Resources


Children's Aid Foundation of Canada

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of children and youth in the child welfare system. Stand Up for Kids is Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada’s national campaign for child welfare to change the futures of our country's most at-risk kids, those who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. #standupforkidscanada


CYPCC currently has Youth Speak Out Teams in the following cities: Ottawa, GTA, Guelph, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saint John and Fredericton.

CYPCC currently hosts It's Corona Caring Time a monthly online event group for youth in and from the child welfare system from 16 to 30 years of age.


Herman Law - Foster care related

Representing victims of childhood sexual abuse from all across the country.

How to assist children who have been sexually abused in the foster care and helpful information for victims, including what to know and where to get legal help:

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